Lyrics Richard Marx - Hazard

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17.10.2017 | 10:20:17
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Richard Marx - Hazard, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Hazard (оригинал Richard Marx)
Хазард (перевод София Ушерович из Санкт-Петербурга)

My mother came to Hazard when I was just seven.
Моя мать переехала в Хазард, когда мне было семь.
Even then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyes:
Даже люди в этом городе говорили предвзято:
"That boy's not right ..."
«С этим мальчишкой что-то не так»
Three years ago when I came to know Mary,
Три года назад, когда я узнал Мэри,
First time that someone looked beyond the rumours and the lies
Впервые кто-то выглядел не сплетником и не лжецом,
And saw the man inside ...
И видел внутри меня человека.

We used to walk down by the river.
Обычно мы спускались к реке,
She loved to watch the sun go down.
Она любила смотреть на закат,
We used to walk along the river
Обычно мы ходили вдоль реки
And dream our way out of this town ...
И мечтали выбраться из этого городка.

No one understood what I felt for Mary.
Никто не понимал, что я чувствовал к Мэри.
No one cared until the night she went out walking alone
Всем было наплевать до той ночи, когда она пошла одна прогуляться
And never came home ...
И не вернулась домой.
Man with a badge came knocking next morning.
Человек со значком пришёл и постучал в дверь наутро.
Here was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenly
Я сразу стал окружённым тысячами пальцев,
Pointed right at me ...
Направленных на меня.

[Chorus 2:]
[Припев 2:]
I swear I left her by the river.
Я клянусь, я оставил её у реки
I swear I left her safe and sound.
Я клянусь, что я оставил её в целости и сохранности.
I need to make it to the river
Я должен добраться до реки
And leave this old Nebraska town.
И покинуть этот старый город штата Небраска.

I think about my life gone by
Я думаю о своей прожитой части жизни.
And how it's done me wrong.
И как она обошлась со мной.
There's no escape for me this time.
На этот раз у меня нет выхода.
All of my rescues are gone, long gone.
Все мои шансы на спасение упущены, давно упущены.

[Chorus 2:]
[Припев 2:]
Hazard (original Richard Marx)
Hazard (translated by Sofia Usherovich from St. Petersburg)

My mother came to Hazard when I was just seven.
My mother moved to Hazard when I was seven.
Even then the folks in the town said with prejudiced eyes:
Even people in this city said prejudice:
"That boy's not right ..."
"There's something wrong with this boy"
Three years ago when I came to know Mary,
Three years ago, when I recognized Mary,
First time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the lies
For the first time someone did not look like a gossip or a liar,
And saw the man inside ...
And I saw a man inside me.

We used to walk down the river.
Usually we went down to the river,
She loved to watch the sun go down.
She liked to watch the sunset,
We used to walk along the river
Usually we walked along the river
And dream our way out of this town ...
Also dreamed to get out of this small town.

No one is understood what I felt for Mary.
Nobody understood what I felt for Mary.
No one cared until the night she went out walking alone
Everyone did not give a damn until the night when she went for a walk
And never came home ...
And she did not return home.
Man with a badge came knocking next morning.
A man with a badge came and knocked on the door the next morning.
I was surrounded by a ball
I immediately became surrounded by thousands of fingers,
Pointed right at me ...
Aimed at me.

[Chorus 2:]
[Chorus 2:]
I swear I left her by the river.
I swear, I left her by the river
I swear I left her safe and sound.
I swear I left it safe and sound.
I need to make it to the river
I have to get to the river
And leave this old Nebraska town.
And leave this old city of Nebraska.

I think about my life
I think about my lived part of life.
And how it's done me wrong.
And how she treated me.
There's no escape for me this time.
This time I have no choice.
All of my rescues are gone.
All my chances for salvation have been missed, long overlooked.

[Chorus 2:]
[Chorus 2:]
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