Lyrics Ravenous - Heart Of Stone

Song title
Heart Of Stone
Date added
04.07.2019 | 11:20:18
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Ravenous - Heart Of Stone, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Scream and scream
So loudly how
When you wake up in the night
Another nightmare, an evil dream
Of what there was than ever has been

See the monsters
See all the beasts
They hunt you for down the streets
So you will wake up all night again
With a scream on your lips which makes you believe

There was no love no friendly word
Deep inside your heart of stone
You lived a life without joy and fun
You always had a business to run

The dreams are the shadows of your past
They come for you very fast
There's no escape now face the truth
But what you call life is just a nightmare

There was no love no friendly word
Deep inside your heart of stone

There was no love no friendly word
Deep inside your heart of stone

There was no love

There was no love

Кричи, кричи
Как можно громче,
Когда просыпаешься посреди ночи.
Еще один кошмар, дурной сон,
Самый страшный из всех, какие только виделись.

Видишь монстров,
Видишь множество тварей,
Преследующих тебя по улицам.
И постоянные пробуждения по ночам
С криком на устах заставят тебя поверить, в то, что

Глубоко внутри твоего каменного сердца
Никогда не было ни любви, ни сочувствия.
Ты прожила жизнь без радости и веселья
И постоянно была занята своими «делами».

Эти сны – тени твоего прошлого,
Они настигают очень быстро.
И тебе не сбежать от взгляда правде в глаза:
То, что ты называешь жизнью – просто кошмар.

Глубоко внутри твоего каменного сердца
Никогда не было ни любви, ни сочувствия.

Глубоко внутри твоего каменного сердца
Никогда не было ни любви, ни сочувствия.

Никогда не было любви…

Никогда не было любви…
Scream and scream
So loudly how
When you wake up in the night
Another nightmare, an evil dream
Of what there was than ever has been

See the monsters
See all the beasts
They hunt you down
So you will wake up all night again
With a scream on your lips

There was no love no friendly word
Deep inside your heart of stone
You lived
You always had a business to run

The dreams of your past
They come for you very fast
There's no escape now face the truth
But what you call life is just a nightmare

There was no love no friendly word
Deep inside your heart of stone

There was no love no friendly word
Deep inside your heart of stone

There was no love

There was no love

Shout shout
As loud as possible
When you wake up in the middle of the night.
Another nightmare, a bad dream,
The most terrible of all, which only saw.

See the monsters
See the many creatures
Pursuing you through the streets.
And constant awakenings at night.
With a cry on their lips will make you believe that

Deep inside your stone heart
There has never been love or sympathy.
You have lived a life without joy and fun
And she was constantly busy with her “affairs”.

These dreams are the shadows of your past,
They catch up very quickly.
And you can’t escape the truth:
What you call life is just a nightmare.

Deep inside your stone heart
There has never been love or sympathy.

Deep inside your stone heart
There has never been love or sympathy.

There was never love ...

There was never love ...
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