Lyrics Marilyn Manson - 2000 - Holy Wood - 17 - The Fall Of Adam

Song title
2000 - Holy Wood - 17 - The Fall Of Adam
Date added
25.03.2021 | 08:20:07
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Marilyn Manson - 2000 - Holy Wood - 17 - The Fall Of Adam, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

The Fall Of Adam.

The Abraham Lincoln town cars
arrive to dispose of our king and queen.
they orchestrated dramatic new scenes
for Celebritarian needs
When one world ends
something else begins
but without a scream,
just a whisper because we
just start it over again.

Падение Адама

Городские автомобили Авраама Линкольна
Прибывают, чтоб увезти наших короля с королевой
Они организовали новое шоу
Для потребностей Celebritarian
Когда кончается один мир,
Начинается что-то еще...
Но не кричать!
Только шепот!
Потому что мы начинаем снова...
The Fall of Adam.

The Abraham Lincoln Town Cars
Arrive to Dispose of Our King and Queen.
For celebritarian Needs.
Something Else Begins.
butt a scream,
Just a Whisper Because We
Just Start It Over Again.

Drop Adama

Urban cars Abraham Lincoln
Arrive to take our king with the queen
They organized a new show
For the needs of Celebritarian
When one world ends,
It begins something else ...
But do not shout!
Only whisper!
Because we start again ...
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