Lyrics Глас 1 - кондак Сретению Господню

Song title
кондак Сретению Господню
Date added
23.09.2017 | 02:20:10
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Глас 1 - кондак Сретению Господню, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Утробу Девичу освятивый рождеством Твоим,/ и руце Симеоне благословивый,/ якоже подобаше, предварив,/ и ныне спасл еси нас Христе Боже,/ но умири во бранех жительство,// едине Человеколюбче.
We have sanctified the Virgin's devotee with your Christmas, / and Simeone's hands are blessed, / as if we were the same, prefacing, / and now you have been saved by Christ the God, / but live in the bridegrooms, // alone Humanoid.
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