Lyrics Kerri LeBon - Electronic Explorations 403

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Electronic Explorations 403
Date added
30.10.2023 | 03:20:03
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Kerri LeBon - Electronic Explorations 403, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

01 - Minus Delta T "Excuse Me" (Ata Tak, 1984)
02 - Esplendor Geometrico "Rotor (Broken English Club Remix)" (Contort Yourself, 2015)
03 - NGLY "Under White Spell" (Forthcoming, 2015)
04 - Morah "Take All" (Return To Disorder, 2015)
05 - Kerri LeBon & In Aeternam Vale "The Voyeur" (Forthcoming, 2015)
06 - Alexey Volkov "Widow" (Stellar Remnant, 2015)
07 - DZ Lectric & Anthon Shield "Flesh Order" (Minimal Wave, 2013)
08 - Le Syndicat Electronique "Sacrifice" (Invasion Planete, 2002)
09 - Vereker "Falling" (LIES, 2013)
10 - Bronze Age "Modal Ingenuity" (Bed of Nails, 2012)
11 - Domenico Crisci "Strong Experience" (Eerie, 2015)
12 - Asma "Birds (Silent Servant Remix)" (M_REC LTD, 2013)
13 - Family Sex "Manbait (Regis Version)" (Blackest Ever Black, 2015)
14 - Portion Control "Thrust Angle" (In Phaze Records, 1983)
01 - минус Delta T "извините" (Ata Tak, 1984)
02 - Esplendor Geometrico "Rotor (Broken English Club Remix)" (Touctort Yoursment, 2015)
03 - ngly "Под белым заклинанием" (предстоящий, 2015)
04 - Мора "Возьми все" (вернуться к беспорядку, 2015)
05 - Kerri Lebon & In Aeternam Vale "The Voyeur" (Gretment, 2015)
06 - Алексей Волков "вдова" (Stellar Remnant, 2015)
07 - DZ Lectric & Anthon Shield «Орден плоти» (Минимальная волна, 2013)
08 - LE Syndicat Electronique "жертва" (Planete, 2002)
09 - Vereker "Falling" (Lies, 2013)
10 - Бронзовый век "Модальная изобретательность" (Bed of Nails, 2012)
11 - Доменико Crisci "сильный опыт" (Eerie, 2015)
12 - ASMA "Птицы (Silent Servant Remix)" (M_REC Ltd, 2013)
13 - Семейный секс "Манбейт (версия Regis)" (Blackest Ever Black, 2015)
14 - Управление порцией «угол тяги» (в Phaze Records, 1983)
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