右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
みんなをポカポカ ですとろい
おひさまポカポカ ねころんで
おふとんフカフカ 昼寝日和
宿題だったら 終わったし
誰にもおじゃまは させないの
お鍋がコトコト 音たてて
お腹がグーグー ママが呼ぶの
テーブルに並ぶ お皿見て
ここぞとばかりに 叩き割る
(あー すっきり)
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
みんなをポカポカ ですとろい
箒でプカプカ 夢の中で
私はまだまだ 夢の中
小鳥がチュンチュン 日が昇って
ここぞとばかりに 叩き割る
(だって うるさいんだもん)
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
みんなをポカポカ ですとろい
ここぞとばかりに 叩き割る
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
右手でポカポカ 左手でポカポカ
みんなをポカポカ ですとろい
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Melt everyone
Ohisama fluffy
Futon fluffy nap weather
If it was homework, it was over
I won't let anyone bother
The hot pot is fresh
I'm hungry
Look at the plates lined up on the table
Just smash into pieces
(Ah, refreshing)
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Melt everyone
Glittering stars in the night sky
In a dream with a broom
Mysterious Usa appears
Rendezvous to the land of magic
I'm still in my dream
Little bird is churn
Good morning Rin Rin
Just smash into pieces
(Because it's noisy)
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Melt everyone
Just smash into pieces
Wan, Tsu, San, Shi!
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Poka Poka with the right hand Poka Poka with the left hand
Melt everyone
right hand