Lyrics Hole - Nothern Star

Song title
Nothern Star
Date added
21.12.2021 | 09:20:07
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Hole - Nothern Star, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Northeren star - Северная звезда

примерно так.... перевожу по памяти так что сорри если что то не правильно...

And I cry, but no-one can hear. Я плачу, но никто не слышит моих рыданий
Inhale. - Вздох...
The blinded eyes that see the chaos. - слепыми глазами видя хаос
Bring the pitiful to me. - Принесите мне свои соболезнования...
Even though I'm wide awake, - И даже если я буду начеку
I will, & blackest night & I wait for you. - я окажусь в кроменшной ночи и буду ждать тебя
It's cold in here, there's no-one left. - тут так холодно и ни души вокруг
And nothing stops it happening. - и ничто не сможет остановить происходящего
And I knew I'd cherish all my misery alone. - я знаю я переживу все одна
And I wait staring at the Northern Star. - Я жду уставившись на Северную звезду
I'm afraid it won't lead me anywhere. - но я боюсь не приведет она меня никуда...
He's so cold, he will ruin the world tonight. - Он такой холодный.. он разрушит мир сегодня ночью..
All the angels kneel into the Northern lights. - Все ангелы прклонили колени перед сиянием Северной звезды...
Kneel into the frozen lights. - Перед Северным сиянием...
And they paid, I cry and cry for you. - Они платят по счетам... а я все плачу и рыдаю о тебе...
Ghosts that haunt you with their sorrow. - Призраки печали укравшие тебя...
I cried cause you were doomed. Я рыдала потому что ты был обречен...
Praying to the wound that swallows all thats cold and cruel. - Взывая к катарсису поглощаеющему все жестокое и холодное
Can you see the trees? Charity and gratitude - they run to the Pines. Видишь деревья? Благотворительность и благодарность бегут к соснам
It's black in here, blot out the sun and run to the pines. - Кромешная тьма, Солнце в затмении и бегут к соснам...
Our misery runs wild and free. - Наша боль стала дикой и свободной
And I knew - the fire and ashes of his grace. - Я знаю огонь и пепел его красоты...
And I wait, staring at the Northern Star. - я в ожидании смотрю на Северную звузду..
I'm afraid it won't lead you very far. - Боюсь она не заведет тебя очень далеко...
He's so cold, he will win the world tonight. - Он такой
Northeren Star - Northern Star

Approximately so .... I translate the memory so that sorry if something is wrong ...

And I Cry, But No-One Can Hear. I cry, but no one hears my sobs
Inhale. - Sigh ...
The Blinded Eyes That See The Chaos. - Seeing chaos blind eyes
Bring The Pitiful to Me. - Bring me your condolences ...
Even Though I'm Wide Awake, and even if I'm alert
I Will, & Blackst Night & I Wait for You. - I will find in a crude night and I will wait for you
IT's Cold in Here, There's No-One Left. - here is so cold and nor soul around
And Nothing Stops It Happening. - And nothing can stop what is happening
And I KNEW I'D Cherish All My Misery Alone. - I know I will survive all alone
And I Wait Staring At The Northern Star. - I'm waiting to staring at the North Star
I'm Afraid It Won't Lead Me Anywhere. - But I'm afraid I will not lead me nowhere ...
He's SO Cold, He Will Ruin The World Tonight. - He's so cold .. He will destroy the world today at night ..
All the Angels Kneel Into The Northern Lights. - All angels have proconi knees before the shine of the northern stars ...
Kneel Into The Frozen Lights. - Before the northern lights ...
And They PAID, I Cry and Cry for You. - They pay on accounts ... And I'm all crying and sobs about you ...
Ghosts That Haunt You with their sorrow. - Ghosts sorrow who stole you ...
I Cried Cause You Were Doomed. I sobbed because you were doomed ...
PRAYING TO THE WOUD THAT SWALLOW ALS THATS COLD AND CRUEL. - appealing to the catharsis absorbing all the cruel and cold
Can You See the Trees? Charity and Gratitude - They Run to the Pines. See the trees? Charity and gratitude run to pine
IT's Black In Here, Blot Out The Sun and Run to the Pines. - Pitch darkness, sun in eclipse and run to pine ...
OUR MISERY RUNS WILD AND FREE. - Our pain has become wild and free
And I Knew - The Fire and Ashes of His Grace. - I know the fire and ashes of his beauty ...
And I Wait, Staring AT The Northern Star. - I'm waiting for the northern sounds ..
I'm afraid it Won't Lead You Very Far. - I'm afraid she will not start you very far ...
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