Lyrics Friendship is Witchcraft - Princess of the Night

Song title
Princess of the Night
Date added
17.07.2018 | 15:20:06
Views 132
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Friendship is Witchcraft - Princess of the Night, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

I'm the Princess of the Night
So of course they run in freight
They feel threatened and unsure
So lets heighten your allure

I don't think you understand
I bring darkness to their land
But what causes them to flee-
Must be my supremacy

Make it so they can't resist
So that we can coexist
You'll be welcome in their clique
Talking loud should do the trick!!

Turn your social life around
Ditch those boots and homely crown
I can help with one small fee
Give your Princesshood to me!

Л: Я Принцесса несущая ночь
Л: Поэтому они бегут прочь
Л: Они чувствуют себя в опасности и не увереней,
Т: Так давайте сделаем вас привлекательней.

Л: Как же ты не можешь понять,
Л: Я на землю несу тьму
Т: Чего ж они страшатся -
Л: Возможно, моего превосходства

Т: Сделай так, чтобы они не смогли противостоять
Л: Чтоб могли мы сосуществовать
Т: Вы поприветствуете их своим криком
Л: Громкий голос станет отличным трюком!

Т: Преобразите вашу жизнь в общественную
Т: Избавьтесь от обуви и домашней короны
Т: Я могу помочь за небольшую услугу
Т: Отдайте КапюшонПринцесс мне!
I'm the Princess of the Night
So of course they run in freight
They feel threatened and unsure
So lets heighten your allure

I do not think you understand
I bring darkness to their land
But what causes them to flee-
Must be my supremacy

Make it so they can not resist
So that we can coexist
You'll be welcome in their clique
Talking loud should do the trick !!

Turn your social life around
Ditch those boots and homely crown
I can help with one small fee
Give your Princesshood to me!

L: I'm the Princess carrying the night
L: So they run away
L: They feel in danger and not sure,
T: So let's make you more attractive.

L: How can you not understand,
L: I carry darkness to the ground
T: What are they afraid of -
L: Perhaps my superiority

T: Do it so that they can not resist
L: So that we could coexist
T: You will greet them with your shout
L: A loud voice will be a great trick!

T: Transform your life into a public
T: Get rid of shoes and a home crown
T: I can help for a small service
T: Give the Hood the Princess to me!
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