Lyrics Владимир Май - Была война

Song title
Была война
Date added
16.10.2017 | 23:20:04
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Владимир Май - Была война, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Шла по земле война, горели хаты,
Алела кровь и смерть косила всех подряд,
Горело все – металл, душа солдата,
Кругом огонь, горел рассвет, горел закат.
Где был Господь тогда, кто это знает,
Вопрос ребром, ответ мы не найдем,
Крестов всегда, везде, на всех хватает,
Но есть один, тот крест, что все несем.

Была война, шли по земле полки и роты,
Была война, душа в огне, глаза в пыли,
Была война, сбивая шаг, брела пехота,
Была война, в кромешный ад солдаты шли.

Пылал пожар, земля от боли взвыла,
Шла по земле война, мешала жить,
Земля давно, как мать сынов, простила,
Но ведь простить - не значит позабыть.
Цветут сады, растут кругом березы,
И воздух свеж, опять пришла весна,
Не потому ль старик роняет слезы,
Что много лет назад была война?

There was war on the ground, huts were burning,
Alela blood and death mowed everyone,
Everything burned-metal, the soul of a soldier,
Around the fire, the dawn was burning, the sun was burning.
Where was the Lord then, who knows this,
The question is an edge, we will not find an answer,
Crosses are always, everywhere, at all enough,
But there is one, that cross, that we all bear.

There was war, there were regiments and companies on the ground,
There was a war, a soul in the fire, eyes in the dust,
There was a war, knocking down a step, the infantry was waving,
There was a war, the soldiers went to hell.

The fire was burning, the ground howled with pain,
There was a war on the ground, interfered with life,
For a long time the earth, like the mother of sons,
But to forgive is not to forget.
Blossoming gardens, grow around the birch,
And the air is fresh, spring has come again,
It is not because the old man drops his tears,
What many years ago there was a war?

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