Lyrics Amon Amarth - Blood Eagle

Song title
Blood Eagle
Date added
02.11.2018 | 10:20:06
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Amon Amarth - Blood Eagle, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Look to my burning eyes
Смотри в мои горящие глаза,
Plead for your worthless life
Умоляй о своей никчемной жизни.
All remorse I had has died
От моего сожаления не осталось и следа, 1
And all I have is hate inside
И всё, что внутри меня осталось, - лишь ненависть.

You took my soul from me
Ты забрал у меня душу,
You took my family
Отнял семью,
You killed them all ferociously
Жестоко убил их всех,
Now this is what I give to thee
И теперь вот что ты получишь от меня:

Carved upon your naked back
Вырезанного на твоей голой спине
Blood eagle!
"Кровавого орла!" 2
Skinned alive your ribs are cracked
Заживо содрана кожа, рёбра расколоты,
Blood eagle!
"Кровавый орел!"
Still alive you gasp for air
Все еще живой, ты задыхаешься.
As panic strikes your eyes they stare
В приступе паники ты таращишь глаза.
Terror grips your dying heart
Ужас сковывает твое умирающее сердце.
Blood eagle!
"Кровавый орел!"

Helpless on the ground
Беспомощный, на земле,
Hands and feet tightly bound
Руки и ноги крепко связаны.
In my eyes no mercy found
В моих глазах не найти сострадания,
My sharp knife starts to carve around
Мой острый нож начинает вырезать узоры,

Penetrate your naked skin
Пронзая твою обнажённую кожу,
Rip flesh and dig within
Разрывая плоть и врезаясь внутрь.
With a pleased and twisted grin
С радостью и кривой усмешкой
I spread your lungs like eagle's wings
Я расправляю твои легкие, как крылья орла.

The burning grief is tormenting me
Нестерпимая тоска изводит меня,
The hate I feel is destroying me
Ненависть, что я чувствую, меня разрушает.
Only vengeance will give me peace
Только месть принесёт мне покой,
Only vengeance will set my spirit free
Только месть освободит мой дух.

Carved upon your naked back
На твоей голой спине вырезан
Blood eagle!
"Кровавый орел!"
Skinned alive your ribs will crack
Заживо содрана кожа, рёбра расколоты,
Blood eagle!
"Кровавый орел!"
Still alive you gasp for air
Всё ещё живой, ты задыхаешься,
As panic strikes your eyes will stare
В приступе паники ты таращишь глаза.
Slow death grips your tortured heart
Смерть медленно сжимает твоё истерзанное сердце...
Blood eagle!
Look to my burning eyes
Look into my burning eyes,
Plead for your worthless life
Pray for your worthless life.
All remorse I had has died
Not a trace remains from my regret, 1
And all I have is hate inside
And all that is left inside me is only hatred.

You took my soul from me
You took my soul,
You took my family
I took my family
You killed them all ferociously
Brutally killed them all
Now this is what I give to thee
And now this is what you get from me:

Carved upon naked back
Carved on your bare back
Blood eagle!
"Bloody Eagle!" 2
Skinned alive your ribs are cracked
Alive skin is ripped off, ribs are split,
Blood eagle!
"Bloody Eagle!"
Still alive you gasp for air
Still alive, you are choking.
As panic strikes your eyes they stare
In a panic attack, you goggle your eyes.
Terror grips your dying heart
Horror stiffens your dying heart.
Blood eagle!
"Bloody Eagle!"

Helpless on the ground
Helpless, on earth,
Hands and feet tightly bound
Hands and feet tightly bound.
In my eyes no mercy found
In my eyes there is no compassion,
My sharp knife starts to carve around
My sharp knife starts cutting patterns,

Penetrate your naked skin
Piercing your bare skin,
Rip flesh and dig within
Tearing flesh and crashing inside.
With joy and wry grin
I spread your lungs like eagle's wings
I spread your lungs like the wings of an eagle.

The burning grief is tormenting me
An unbearable longing plagues me,
The hate i feel is destroying me
Hate that I feel destroys me.
Only vengeance will give me peace
Only revenge will bring me peace
Only vengeance will set my spirit free
Only revenge will free my spirit.

Carved upon naked back
On your bare back cut
Blood eagle!
"Bloody Eagle!"
Skinned alive
Alive skin is ripped off, ribs are split,
Blood eagle!
"Bloody Eagle!"
Still alive you gasp for air
Still alive, you are choking,
As panic strikes your eyes will stare
In a panic attack, you goggle your eyes.
Slow death grips your tortured heart
Death slowly compresses your tortured heart ...
Blood eagle!
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