Днесь радостно ликует Церковь Русская, яко мати чада, прославляющи новомученики и исповедники своя: святители и иереи, царственныя страстотерпцы, благоверныя князи и княгини, преподобныя мужи и жены и вся православныя христианы, во дни гонения безбожнаго жизнь свою за веру во Христа положившия и кровьми истину соблюдшия. Тех предстательством, долготерпеливе Господи, страну нашу в Православии сохрани до скончания века
Today the Russian Church joyfully rejoices, as mothers of children, glorifying the new martyrs and confessors of their own: saints and priests, royal martyrs, faithful princes and princesses, reverend men and women and all Orthodox Christians, in the days of persecution of the atheist, his life for the faith in Christ, true observance. By those intercession, long-suffering Lord, our country in Orthodoxy is preserved until the end of the century