Lyrics Тропарь Рождества Богородицы - Глас 4

Song title
Глас 4
Date added
09.11.2020 | 20:20:37
Views 32
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Тропарь Рождества Богородицы - Глас 4, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Тропарь праздника, гласъ 4

Рождество Твое, Богородице Дѣво,
радость возвѣсти всей вселенней:
изъ Тебе бо возсія Солнце Правды, Христосъ Богъ нашъ,
и, разрушивъ клятву, даде благословеніе,
и, упразднивъ смерть, дарова намъ животъ вѣчный.
Troparion of the holiday, voice 4

Your Christmas, Mother of God,
joy to lift up the whole universe:
out of you the Sun of Truth, Christ our God,
and, breaking the oath, give blessing,
and, having abolished death, the eternal life was given to us.
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