Ішла Купала сялом сялом
Закрыўшы вочкі пяром пяром
Вітала хлапцом чалом чалом
Ішла Купала сялом сялом
Пляла вянрчкі шаўком шаўком
Свяціла ночкі ягнём ягнём
Славу Купалу пяём пяём
Слыла Купалка тяплом добром
Kupala went from village to village
Closing the eyes with a feather pen
She greeted the boy with her forehead
Kupala went from village to village
Weaved wreaths of silk
The night shone with the lamb
We sing the glory of Kupala
Kupalka was famous for its warmth