Lyrics Сретение Господне, 2.02.16 - Слава Божия во Христе

Song title
Слава Божия во Христе
Date added
01.01.2020 | 23:20:10
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Сретение Господне, 2.02.16 - Слава Божия во Христе, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Проповедь читает пастор Алексей Кронгольм.

Ин. 12:35-36
Тогда Иисус сказал им: еще на малое время свет есть с вами; ходите, пока есть свет, чтобы не объяла вас тьма: а ходящий во тьме не знает, куда идет. Доколе свет с вами, веруйте в свет, да будете сынами света. Сказав это, Иисус отошел и скрылся от них.
The sermon is delivered by Pastor Alexei Krongholm.

John 12: 35-36
Then Jesus said to them: For a short time, there is light with you; walk while there is light, so that darkness does not catch you: but he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. As long as the light is with you, believe in the light, that you may be the sons of light. Having said this, Jesus departed and hid from them.
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