Lyrics Сплит - Split.Тайна крови.

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Split.Тайна крови.
Date added
15.08.2017 | 08:20:03
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Сплит - Split.Тайна крови., and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Kama peamim she ratsiti lismoah,Kol ha mekomot she ratsiti livroah,Kol ha regaim she hait iti,Kol ha zihronot she hait sheli.Kol ha armonot she hitparkoo li ba iadaim,Kol ha ahavot she zarmoo im ha maim,Kol ha ahzavot she be hayai,Kol ha neshikot she dilgoo alai.Rak al titni lalailaLaavor stam kah,Titni lalaila leahzev otah,Mabat mimeh...Va ani shelah!Shelah!Mabat mimeh... va ani... shelah.
Кама пимим, она рацити лисмоах, Кол ха мекомот, она рацити ливруа, Кол ха регай, она хайт ити, Кол ха зихронот, она хайт sheli.Kol ха armonot она hitparkoo li ba iadaim, Кола ха ахавот она zarmoo im ha maim, Коль ха ахзавот она будет Hayai, Kol ha neshikot she dilgoo alai.Rak al titni lalailaLaavor stam kah, Titni lalaila leahzev otah, Mabat mimeh ... Va ani shelah! Shelah! Mabat mimeh ... va ani ... shelah.
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