Lyrics Осман Дульгеров - Учь къуш

Song title
Учь къуш
Date added
28.04.2020 | 02:20:02
Views 1270
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Осман Дульгеров - Учь къуш, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Учь къуш эдим, учар эдим, авадан
Авджы урду, къавурдулар тавада
учь къуш эдим, учар эдим, авадан
Авджы урду, къавурдулар тавада

Меним анам оксюз къойды ювадан
меним шадилем шадием башын ичюн

У дереден бу дереге кечерим
чокъракълардан салкъын сувлар ичерим
алышмышым сувукъ суя оф аман
сыджакъ сувлар ичалмадым яр аман

Гемиджилер дизильмишлер сырая
Кимсем ёкътыр кимсем ёкътыр оф аман
Анам десем анам да ёкъ оф аман
Оксюз къалдым бу дюньяда яр аман
I would fly, I would fly, I would fly
The hunt was on, and the roosters were on the hill
I would fly, I would fly, I would fly
The hunt was on, and the roosters were on the hill

My mother put an ox in the nest
my joy is for my happy head

I'm sorry to hear that
I drink cold water from the pits
I'm safe and sound
I didn't drink any fresh water

The hemispheres are lined up
Someone is missing, someone is missing
When I say 'crunching', to some people this may seem like allot, but it's really not
I am left destitute in this world
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