Lyrics Океан Ельзи - Мила моя

Song title
Мила моя
Date added
09.04.2020 | 08:20:09
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Океан Ельзи - Мила моя, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Сьюзi, мила моя Сьюзi,
Не тiкай вiд мене,
В свiт своïх iлюзiй,
Я не можу ïсти, я не хочу пити,
Я таки не знаю як з тобою жити,
Як без тебе жити...

Сьюзi, мила моя Сьюзi,
Не тiкай вiд болi,
В свiт своïх iлюзiй,
Без вiйни не плачуть, без бiди не кличуть,
Хто не має серця тому хто ще має,
Просто так не зичить...

Мила моя Сьюзi...

Сьюзi, скiльки ми з тобою,
Спiльною метою, поливали поле,
А воно пiд сонцем, а воно пiд снiгом,
Не зiйшло сьогоднi може зiйде завтра,
Може вже нiколи...

Сьюзi, мила моя Сьюзi,
Не в твоïй заслузi,
Що сьогоднi двоє,
Разом будем ïсти, потiм будем пити,
Далi будем жити, поки не настане,
Довгожданне лiто...

Мила моя Сьюзi...
Susie, my sweet Susie,
Don't run from me,
In a world of illusions,
I can't drink, I don't want to drink,
I still don't know how to live with you,
How to live without you ...

Susie, my sweet Susie,
Don't get out of pain,
In a world of illusions,
Without war they do not cry, without trouble they do not cry,
He who has no heart is he who has yet,
It just doesn't sound right ...

My sweet Susie ...

Suzy, how much are we with you,
For the common purpose, they watered the field,
And it is under the sun, and it is under the snow,
It has not come down today may come tomorrow,
May never ...

Susie, my sweet Susie,
Not in your merit,
What are the current two
Together we will eat, then we will drink,
We will continue to live until it comes,
Longevity Summer ...

My sweet Susie ...
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