Lyrics ЛИТ-Р - Братец кролик

Song title
Братец кролик
Date added
31.01.2019 | 13:28:16
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference ЛИТ-Р - Братец кролик, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Am Em Am Em Am Em Am Em
Жил на свете братец - Кролик, был он страшный алкоголик,
Ему денег не хватало, оттого его … мутило
Потому что он придурок, всю зарплату пропивал,
По ночам "бобров искал"
Возле старых хуторков, в туалетах кабаков.
Звали кролика Степашкой, и дружил он с Чебурашкой.
Чебурашка был нахал: он все деньги … просадил,
От Степашки получал, с каждым разом все сильней,
Тумаков и … оплеух.
Чебурашка лишь кричал: "Слышишь, заяц, … надоел!"
Am em am em am em am em
He lived in the world brother - Rabbit, he was a terrible alcoholic,
He did not have enough money, because of his ... troubled
Because he is a jerk, he drank his entire salary,
At night, "beavers sought"
Near the old farms, in the toilets toilets.
They called the rabbit Stepashka, and he was friends with Cheburashka.
Cheburashka was impudent: he squandered all the money ...
From Stepashki received, each time more and more,
Tumakov and ... slap in the face.
Cheburashka just shouted: "Hear, hare, ... tired!"
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