Lyrics Дмитрий Хворостовский - В молчаньи ночи тайной. Рахманинов

Song title
В молчаньи ночи тайной. Рахманинов
Date added
03.03.2018 | 16:20:11
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Дмитрий Хворостовский - В молчаньи ночи тайной. Рахманинов, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

О, долго буду я, в молчаньи ночи тайной,
Коварный лепет твой, улыбку, взор случайный,
Перстам послушную волос густую прядь
Из мыслей изгонять и снова призывать;
Дыша порывисто, один, никем не зримый,
Досады и стыда румянами палимый,
Искать хотя одной загадочной черты
В словах, которые произносила ты:
Шептать и поправлять былые выраженья
Речей моих с тобой, исполненных смущенья,
И в опьянении, наперекор уму,
Заветным именем будить ночную тьму.

In the silence of the mysterious night,
your alluring babble, smiles and glances,
your fleeting glances, the locks of your rich hair, locks pliant under your fingertips -
I will long be trying to get rid of the images only to call them back again;

I will be repeating and correcting in a whisper
the words I've told you, the words full of awkwardness,
and, drunk with love, contrary to reason,
I will be awakening the night's darkness with a cherished name.
Oh, for a long time I will, in the silence of the night,
Your insidious babble, a smile, a casual look,
Persts obedient hair dense strand
From thoughts to expel and again to call;
Breathing impetuously, one, unseen by anyone,
Annoyance and shame rouge palimy,
Search for one of the mysterious features
In the words that you said:
Whisper and correct past expressions
My speeches with you, full of embarrassment,
And in intoxication, contrary to the mind,
Treasured name awaken night darkness.

In the silence of the mysterious night,
your alluring babble, smiles and glances,
your fleeting glances, the locks of your rich hair, locks pliant under your fingertips -
I will long be trying to get rid of the images only to call them back again;

I will be repeating and correcting in a whisper
the words I've been told you, the words full of awkwardness,
and, drunk with love, contrary to reason,
I will be awakening the night's darkness with a cherished name.