Lyrics Nightwish - Bless the child

Song title
Bless the child
Date added
29.06.2023 | 03:20:03
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Nightwish - Bless the child, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

«Я родился в долине пурпурных водопадов.
I was weak, yet not unblessed.
Я был слаб и еще не благословлен.
Dead to the world. Alive for the journey.
Мертвый для мира. Живой для путешествия.
One night I dreamt a white rose withering,
Однажды ночью мне приснилась увядающая белая роза,
a newborn drowning a lifetime loneliness.
Тонущий новорождённый и одиночество длиною в жизнь...
I dreamt all of my future. Relived my past.
Мне приснилось все мое будущее, я заново прожил своё прошлое
And witnessed the beauty of the beast"
Увидел красоту чудовища».

Where have all the feelings gone?
Куда ушли все чувства?
Why has all the laughter ceased?
Почему смех больше не звучит?

Why am I loved only when I'm gone?
Почему я любима, только когда я ухожу?
Gone back in time to bless the child
Ухожу назад во времени, чтобы благословить дитя.
Think of me long enough to make a memory
Думай обо мне как можно дольше, чтобы заставить память
Come bless the child one more time
Вернуться благословить дитя еще раз.

How can I ever feel again?
Смогу ли я чувствовать снова?
Given the chance would I return?
Награжденная еще одним шансом, смогу ли я вернуться?

I've never felt so alone in my life
Я никогда не чувствовала себя такой одинокой,
As I drank from a cup which was counting my time
Будто бы я пила из чаши, которая отсчитывала время, данное мне.
There's a poison drop in this cup of Man
В этой чаше капля яда.
To drink it is to follow the left hand path
Выпить ее значит последовать по пути левой руки*.

"Where have all the feelings gone?
«Куда ушли все чувства?
Why is the deadliest sin - to love as I loved you?
Почему самый страшный грех – любить так, как я любил тебя?
Now unblessed, homesick in time,
Не благословленный, потерянный во времени и в тоске по дому,
Soon to be freed from care, from human pain.
Я скоро уйду от забот, от человеческой боли.
My tale is the most bitter truth:
Моя история - самая горькая правда:
Time pays us but with earth and dust, and a dark, silent grave.
Время платит нам, но землей, пылью и темной молчаливой могилой.
Remember, my child: Without innocence the cross is only iron,
Помни, мое дитя: без невинности крест – только железо,
Hope is only an illusion аnd Ocean Soul's nothing but a name...
Надежда – всего лишь иллюзия, а Душа Океана – только имя…

The Child bless thee and keep thee forever"
Дитя благословляет тебя и хранит тебя вечно».

* - т.е. по пути сатанизма
“I was born in the valley of purple waterfalls.
I Was Weak, Yet Not Unblessed.
I was weak and not blessed yet.
Dead to the World. Alive For The Journey.
Dead for the world. Alive for travel.
One Night I Dreamt a White Rose Withering,
One night I dreamed of a worthy white rose,
A NewBorn Drowning A Lifetime Loneliness.
Sounding newborn and loneliness long in life ...
I Dreamt All of My Future. Relved My Past.
I dreamed of my whole future, I re -lived my past
And Witnessed the Beauty of the Beast "
I saw the beauty of the monster. "

What have all the feats gone?
Where did all the feelings go?
Who Has All The Laughter Ceated?
Why doesn't laughter sound anymore?

Who am i loved only when i'm gone?
Why am I loved only when am I leaving?
Gone Back in Time to Blas The Child
I'm leaving back in time to bless the child.
Think of Me Long Enough to Make a Memory
Think about me as long as possible to make memory
Come Blas The Child One More Time
Return to bless the child again.

How Can I Ever Feel AGain?
Can I feel again?
Given The Chance Would I Return?
Awarded with another chance, can I return?

I've Never Felt So Alone in My Life
I never felt so lonely
As I Drank from A Cup Which Was Counting My Time
As if I drank from a bowl that counted the time given to me.
There's a poison drop in this cup of man
This bowl has a drop of poison.
To drink it is to follow the legt hand Path
To drink it means to follow the path of the left hand*.

"What have all the feats gone?
“Where did all the feelings go?
Who is the Deadliest Sin - to love as i lined you?
Why is the worst sin - to love as I loved you?
Now Unblessed, Homesick in Time,
Not blessed, lost in time and in longing for the house,
Soon to be Freed from Care, from Human Pain.
I will soon get away from the worries, from human pain.
My Tale Is the Most Bitter Truth:
My story is the most bitter truth:
Time Pays Us But with Earth and Dust, and a Dark, Silent Grave.
Time pays us, but with earth, dust and a dark silent grave.
Remember, My Child: Without Inocence the Cross Is Only Iron,
Remember, my child: without innocence, the cross is only iron,
Hope is only an Illusion AND Ocean Soul's Nothing But a Name ...
Hope is just an illusion, and the soul of the ocean is just a name ...

The Child Blas Thee and Keep Thee Forever "
The child blesses you and keeps you forever. "

* - i.e. along the path of Satanism
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