Lyrics Jivan Gasparyan - Magic Duduk

Song title
Magic Duduk
Date added
29.09.2017 | 19:20:06
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Jivan Gasparyan - Magic Duduk, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

One day is one day less to live
I want you to be my sedative
Sometimes when I drive my car
I feel trapped like a bee inside a jar

Grains of sand is all we are
Crawling on our manic star
One tiny person in one shiny car
Spinning on our manic star

Time doesn't stop for anyone
It doesn't matter what you've done
I want to lose myself in you
Are you afraid of dying too?

Grains of sand is all we are
Crawling on our manic star
One tiny person in one shiny car
Calling from our manic star

Let's love like there is no tomorrow
Shelter each other
From the pain and sorrow

Grains of sand is all we are
Crawling on our manic star
One tiny person in one shiny car

Don't know how I got this scar
Crawling on our manic star
I'm alright at least so far
Hanging on our manic star

Spinning on our manic star...

Calling from our manic star

Пройдет день и на день останется меньше жить
Я хочу тобою боль утолить
Иногда, когда я веду машину
Я чувствую себя словно пчела пойманная в кувшине

Все мы крупицы песка
Летящие к своей безумной звезде
И песчинка в блестящей машине
Летит к своей безумной звезде

Время не остановится
Что бы ты ни сделал
Я хотела бы потеряться в тебе...
Ты тоже боишься смерти?

Все мы крупицы песка
Летящие к своей безумной звезде
И песчинка в блестящей машине
Взывает к своей безумной звезде

Давай любить будто не будет завтра
Храня друг друга от боли и печалей

Все мы крупицы песка
Летящие к своей безумной звезде
И песчинка в блестящей машине...

Не знаю как получила этот шрам
Летя к своей безумной звезде
Но я наконец здесь
На нашей безумной звезде

Лечу к нашей безумной звезде
Зову (тебя) с нашей безумной звезды
One day is one day less to live
I want you to be my sedative
Sometimes when I drive my car
I feel trapped like a bee inside a jar

Grains of sand is all we are
Crawling on our manic star
One tiny person in one shiny car
Spinning on our manic star

Time doesn’t stop for anyone
It doesn't matter what you've done.
I want to lose myself in you
Are you afraid of dying too?

Grains of sand is all we are
Crawling on our manic star
One tiny person in one shiny car
Calling from our manic star

Let's love there
Shelter each other
From the pain and sorrow

Grains of sand is all we are
Crawling on our manic star
One tiny person in one shiny car

Don't know how I got this scar
Crawling on our manic star
I'm alright at least so far
Hanging on our manic star

Spinning on our manic star ...

Calling from our manic star

It will take a day to live a day less
I want to quench your pain
Sometimes when i'm driving
I feel like a bee caught in a jug

We are all grains of sand
Flying to her crazy star
And a grain of sand in a shiny car.
Flies to her crazy star

Time won't stop
Whatever you do
I would like to get lost in you ...
Are you afraid of death too?

We are all grains of sand
Flying to her crazy star
And a grain of sand in a shiny car.
Appeals to his crazy star

Let's love it like it won't be tomorrow
Keeping each other from pain and sorrow

We are all grains of sand
Flying to her crazy star
And a grain of sand in a shiny car ...

I don't know how I got this scar.
Flying to her crazy star
But I'm finally here
On our mad star

I fly to our crazy star
Call (you) from our mad star
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