Текст песни Garry Moore - Separate Ways

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Separate Ways
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25.06.2019 | 06:20:04
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Garry Moore - Separate Ways, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

Разные пути

What is it that you want from me?
I really wish I knew.
I try so hard to do my best,
but it's not good enough for you.
Over and over again
we will make the same mistakes.
Over and over again
there's a feelin'
I just can't shake.

Is it time to go our separate ways?
Is it time to go our separate ways?

You know I need your love so bad.
Can't you see what you do to me?
I try so hard to understand,
but the truth's never plain to see.

Is it time to go our separate ways?
Is it time to go our separate ways?

Time after time we will try to understand.
I don't know where we went wrong,
but there's no use in holdin' on.

Over and over again
we will make the same mistakes.
Over and over again
and it's more than a man can take.

Is it time to go our separate ways?
Is it time to go our separate ways?

Is it time to go our separate ways?
Is it time to go our separate ways?
Что ты хочешь от меня?
Я, правда, хотел бы знать.
Я пытался изо всех сил делать как лучше,
Но этого не достаточно для тебя.
Снова и снова
мы будем совершать одни и те же ошибки.
Снова и снова
появляется чувство, от которого
я не могу избавиться.

Неужели настало время нам идти разными путями?
Неужели настало время нам идти разными путями?

Ты знаешь, что мне необходима твоя любовь.
Неужели ты не видишь, что ты делаешь со мной?
Я пытаюсь изо всех сил понять,
Но правда всегда скрыта от меня.

Неужели настало время нам идти разными путями?
Неужели настало время нам идти разными путями?

Время от времени мы будем пытаться понять.
Я не знаю когда все пошло не так,
Но больше нет смысла за это держаться.

Снова и снова
мы будем совершать одни и те же ошибки.
Снова и снова
и это больше, чем может выдержать человек.

Неужели настало время нам идти разными путями?
Неужели настало время нам идти разными путями?

Неужели настало время нам идти разными путями?
Неужели настало время нам идти разными путями?

Different ways
What is it you want from me?
I really wish I knew.
I try my best
but it's not good enough for you.
Over and over again
we will make the same mistakes.
Over and over again
there's a feelin '
I just can't shake.

Is it time to go our separate ways?
Is it time to go our separate ways?

You know I need your love so bad.
Can't you see me?
I try so hard to understand,
but the truth's never plain to see.

Is it time to go our separate ways?
Is it time to go our separate ways?

Time after time we will try to understand.
I don't know where we went wrong,
but there is no use in holdin 'on.

Over and over again
we will make the same mistakes.
Over and over again
it is more than a man can take.

Is it time to go our separate ways?
Is it time to go our separate ways?

Is it time to go our separate ways?
Is it time to go our separate ways?
 What do you want from me?
I really wanted to know.
I tried my best to do my best
But this is not enough for you.
Again and again
we will make the same mistakes.
Again and again
there is a feeling from which
I can not get rid of.

Is it time for us to go in different ways?
Is it time for us to go in different ways?

You know that I need your love.
Do not you see what you do with me?
I'm trying my best to understand
But the truth is always hidden from me.

Is it time for us to go in different ways?
Is it time for us to go in different ways?

From time to time we will try to understand.
I don't know when it all went wrong
But it makes no sense to hold on to it.

Again and again
we will make the same mistakes.
Again and again
and this is more than a man can stand.

Is it time for us to go in different ways?
Is it time for us to go in different ways?

Is it time for us to go in different ways?
Is it time for us to go in different ways?
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